Lot | Description | Reserve |
001 |
Written-up mint and used on two album pages and five stock cards,
total 70 stamps. Mainly good condition but some damaged. All values present including a good copy of the 10 piastres mint (Cat $300). Huge cat value
 | £200.00
002 |
Imperf proofs/colour trials without Arabic inscription in brown, red with tiny thin spot and two in green that are thinned
 | £50.00
003 |
well written-up collection on album pages and stock sheets. Over 100 stamps plus some identified forgeries. Mainly used with good range of cancels but also
some mint including a block of four of the 5 para. Mixed condition but high cat value. Includes a good copy of the 10 piastre used (cat $150)
 | £200.00
004 |
22 stamps, all damaged or seconds plus five photos of stamps. Couple of good postmarks
 | £5.00
005 |
– De la Rue. Red stockbook with over 1200 mainly used stamps but quite a lot of mint and a good selection of postmarks.
Arranged by issue and watermark position. Some OHHS
 | £100.00
006 |
– De la Rue. 11 covers of which seven have 1 piastre rose and four have 1 piastre blue of 1884. Mixed condition
 | £10.00
007 |
– De la Rue. 73 postcards all stamped with De la Rue third series or 4m of 1906. Great range of cancels (Port Said Station) and destinations (Burma)
 | £15.00
008 |
Collection of mint and used postal stationery postcards neatly written-up on computer printed album pages and loose. 76 items plus one forgery. Good range
 | £80.00
009 |
Collection of mint and used postal stationery envelopes on printed album pages and loose. 114 items. Wide range including many better items,
plus a bag of 97 postal stationery cut-outs
 | £120.00
010 |
1922 De la Rue 10m carmine registered envelope (Nile Post SRE3) mint
 | £20.00
011 |
1922 De la Rue 10m carmine registered envelope (Nile Post SRE3) used with addition of 5m and 10m Fouad First Portrait to Scotland. Cancelled Safaga 1927
 | £15.00
012 |
1929 King Fouad profile issue 15m dark blue registered envelope (Nile Post SRE5) fine mint
 | £25.00
013 |
1938 Young King 20m blue registered envelope with ruled edges, used but address rubbed out. Stamp side looks good
 | £5.00
014 |
Small collection of 21 postal stationery wrappers, mint and used. Mainly first two types
 | £15.00
015 |
Airletters. Nile Post SALS4 used to Bristol, SALS12 mint, SALS14 mint and with additional stamps, SALS15 mint, and two of SALS17
with discoloured gum mint, total seven airletter
 | £10.00
016 |
Postal stationery letter sheets. ten mint or used items comprising SLS1, 2, 3 and 6. Mixed condition
 | £10.00
017 |
Selection of 11 postal stationery items for French Post Office in Port Said (eight different types) and one Sudan. Three in poor condition
 | £15.00
018 |
Postal stationery cassette envelopes. Fantastic collection of 89 envelopes written-up on computer-printed album pages and loose.
Huge range of types, mint and used, with shades and some printing errors but inevitable duplication. Also includes an envelope of research notes and pages.
Hard to amass such a quantity nowadays
 | £250.00
019 |
Nine interesting postcards (eight mint) comprising two royal portraits, HMT Dilwara (ship), two islands at Assouan,
two map views of Suez Canal, Port Tewfik and repro tram card
 | £3.00
020 |
Well written-up 1872-1888 collection of Italian postmarks on five album pages comprising 33 Boulac (Third issue) and eight
De la Rue (Fourth Issue) stamps, including overseas offices. Well illustrated with superb drawings of the cancels.
Known to have cost Dennis Clarke £170 plus buyer’s premium in a Sandafayre Auction in 2012
 | £100.00
021 |
Nice collection of first and second Pictorial issues on album pages. Over 80 stamps, mainly used
 | £5.00
022 |
Good collection of Crown Overprints on Pictorial issues. Mainly on attractively written, old time album pages. Over 230 stamps mint and used
including a dozen blocks of four. Also a packet of photographic studies of the overprint types
 | £25.00
023 |
Crown Overprints on pictorial issues. 34 mint stamps including 100m, 200m and a marginal block of fourteen of the 1m litho, second setting
 | £10.00
024 |
1886 issue 2 piastres and 10 piastres in mint blocks of six plus 10 para mint single and 1884 5 para used. Nile Post PD5, 6 and 9. Cat $565
 | £75.00
025 |
Massive collection 1889-1962 on album pages and in packets. Over 300 stamps mint and used including overprint varieties, 1889 3m surcharge
in two blocks of 30 and high values from 1958 and 1962
 | £50.00 |
026 |
Postage dues on 25 covers 1889 to 1960s. Excellent range of postal markings
 | £75.00
027 |
1952 postage due 30m with trial colour overprint in black. Mint with square black Saray el-Kubbah stamp on reverse, indicating from Palace Collection
 | £10.00
028 |
60 covers mainly with official stamps. Predominantly 1926 to 1991 issues but some earlier. Good range of official stamps and postal markings
 | £50.00
029 |
Envelope containing 30 printed items. Interesting Aida opera at Luxor Temple items noted. Cheap lot
 | £3.00
030 |
Egyptian Post Offices abroad cancels on 20 stamps plus 13 other stamps/pieces with interesting cancels, all displayed on album pages.
Good strikes of Volo, Metelino, Scio (part) and Smirne among others
 | £45.00
031 |
Simon Arzt cancels on six covers plus two postcards showing both stores
 | £12.00
032 |
Philatelic Crusaders for Peace: five Egyptian covers, six stamped postcards and a range of information leaflets
 | £15.00
033 |
Over 100 stamps including high values, 34 first day covers and seven commercially used covers
 | £50.00
034 |
Palestine Gaza. Three official, probably military, circulars from 1953 in Arabic. Various cachets and cancels
 | £10.00
035 |
Postal history on album leaves. 24 covers mainly 1920s and 1930s plus six more post-revolution. Some interesting postmarks. Low reserve
 | £25.00
036 |
First Fouad Portrait Issue, 2 x 20m, 3 x 50m (one thinned), 2 x 100m, 1 x 200m and 1 x £1, mounted mint. Nile Post cat value $195
 | £40.00
037 |
First Fouad Portrait issue 50m value, partly reconstructed sheet of 45 used stamps on album pages. Ex Byam collection
 | £5.00
038 |
Envelope containing 41 album pages of stamps. Lots of Kings’ period, mint and used, definitives and commems, including three pages of
positional varieties and lots of corner blocks. Very low reserve
 | £25.00
039 |
Booklet SB13, 120m containing four panes of 6 x 5m Young King stamps all with controls A/38 A/39, trimmed at one edge. Cat $200 in Nile Post
 | £80.00
040 |
Booklet sheet of 5m Young King stamps comprising 60 stamps (10 panes) with A/40 control, from the left side of the double pane sheet.
Cat $125 in Nile Post
 | £50.00
041 |
Young King double booklet panes from bottom two rows of 5m and 6m sheets with selvedge on three sides and no controls.
Also right marginal pane of 6m with trimmed edge at left. Cat $90 in Nile Post
 | £30.00
042 |
Young King 6m booklet pane of six with right side stitched margin. Reasonable perfs. Cat $25
 | £10.00
043 |
Fouad Second Portrait issue 15m ultramarine booklet pane of six with A/30 control and 10m control A/30 pane of four stamps (two stamps missing)
 | £15.00
044 |
Farouk Military issue 10mil violet pane of six with selvedge all around and stitched at the right. SB16a. Cat $50 in Nile Post
 | £15.00
045 |
1953 First post-revolution pictorials 240m booklet with four panes of six 10m defence/soldier stamps. Stitched at left. Cat $105 in Nile Post
 | £50.00
046 |
Ditto but stitched at right. Cat $105 in Nile Post
 | £50.00
047 |
Egypt’s last stamp booklet Discover the Treasures of Egypt in Stamps 2004
 | £12.00
048 |
Ditto, Egypt’s last stamp booklet Discover the Treasures of Egypt in Stamps exploded and displayed in mounts on album pages.
Where pages were printed on both sides there are two of each so that both sides are displayed
 | £12.00
049 |
Bundle of about 60 post-revolution covers. Good range of cancels and cachets with interesting overseas destinations
 | £30.00
050 |
About 110 pre-revolution covers and cards, mainly commercial use, with a wide range of destinations, cachets and cancels
 | £50.00
051 |
Peter Andrews’ principal collection of Egypt commemorative issues housed in seven bulging black Merton Albums.
Most issues are there, from 1925 Geographical Congress to 1990. It includes 1926 Agricultural/Industrial Exhibition, 1926 Fouad Birthday,
1933 trains, 1933 aviation, 1934 UPU all values including 50pi and £1 mint and used, 1938 Farouk 18th birthday unmounted mint and fine used.
Not present are 1926 Port Fouad and 1942 Al-Azhar but most of the rest are there both unmounted mint and fine used, often with more than one set,
especially for the early issues. It also has most miniature sheets from 1946 First Philatelic Exhibition but no 1956 Scouts. There are control blocks
of four for most 1960s issues and several early FDCs. Thousands of stamps with a huge catalogue value. Well worth viewing. (Weighs 16kg – UK postage is £42, more abroad)
 | £380.00
052 |
Peter Andrews’ principal collection of Egypt first day covers housed in 11 cover albums weighing about 14kg (UK postage £42 – more abroad).
Covers from 1925 Geographical Congress to 1998 and a few later. Most issues are present except the really expensive ones. About 1000 FDCs with a huge catalogue value.
Viewing recommended
 | £350.00
053 |
Peter Andrews’ main Egypt definitive collection split into four parts starting with 1914 Pictorials and Crown Overprints including several blocks,
Fouad First Portrait issue, 1926 surcharges, some Fouad ‘POSTES’ and Young King. Both mint and used, housed in a blue Merton album. Viewing recommended
 | £250.00
054 |
Farouk Marshal issue (military uniform) in red Stamford album. 1944 set, 1952 Egypt & Sudan overprints, 1953 three bar obliterations including on
overprinted set, with values to 50pi and £1 both mint and used for all sets, plus a few blocks and covers
 | £50.00
055 |
Farouk Marshal issue (military uniform) in a maroon Devon album. Extensive array of the 1944 set, 1952 overprints, three bar obliterations with mint
values to 50pi and £1 for each. Also airmails with and without three bars. Mainly used but plenty of mint including lots of multiple examples and some useful covers.
Page after page of the same values, useful for studying shades and postmarks. Hundreds
 | £100.00
056 |
Post-revolution definitive collection in dark blue Merton album. 1953-1997 with mint and used for most sets including lots of control blocks and high values
 | £100.00
057 |
Peter Andrews’ principal Egyptian airmail stamps collection in two green Merton albums. Starting with first issue and including the Zeppelin set, it has lots of
control blocks and runs up to 1995. Mainly unmounted mint in plastic mounts but also lots of used sets. High catalogue value. Worth viewing
 | £150.00
058 |
Peter Andrews’ collection of World War 1 civil censorship in a well written-up green Merton album containing 64 covers or cards with a wide range of censor
markings and very little duplication. It starts with excellent coverage of dumb markings including waves, stars and crosses but also has a good spread of
numbered types. Individually most would sell for £10 to £20 each and upwards. Well worth inspection with a very low reserve
 | £300.00
059 |
Peter Andrews’ collection of hotel posts in a red Merton album. Over 70 covers, cards or postal receipts with a wide range of cancels and a few hotel stationery
envelopes. Also lots of individual stamps or pieces with cancels. Shepheard’s Hotel predominates but there are lots of other establishments. Low reserve
 | £150.00
060 |
Peter Andrews’ collection of postage dues in a red Merton Album. From the first issue to 1965 with a good range of control blocks and about thirty covers
including foreign dues on Egyptian covers to overseas destinations. High cat. Worth viewing
 | £250.00
061 |
Peter Andrews’ in-depth study of 1972-1985 official issues (Nile Post O93-O102 – page 603). Arranged in a thick dark blue album of Hagner pages.
There must be thousands of stamps, mint and used, neatly arranged and identified by sheet position, paper type, watermark orientation, plate varieties etc.
A huge amount of work has gone into this and it would make an excellent case for further study. Very low reserve See also Lot 248 below
 | £50.00
062 |
Small boxed stock book of 1972-1985 officials. About 400 used stamps
 | £5.00
063 |
Excellent old-time collection in a green Utile album. Probably assembled in 1946 as no stamps date after that. Pages are neatly written-up and well
filled with mounted mint and good used examples starting from the 1914 Pictorials. It was someone’s ‘All Egypt’ collection as such it has definitives,
commemoratives, officials, express, postage dues and a few first day covers. Most really expensive stamps are missing but lots of definitive high values
including two Zeppelins and Farouk 18th Birthday £1 mint. Over $1,000 cat (Nile Post) just in the better items, and whole collection could
catalogue at $2,000-$3,000. Very comprehensive coverage that could be built upon
 | £250.00
064 |
Peter Andrews’ main collection of control blocks. Mainly mint corner blocks of four but some pairs or singles, housed in two blue Merton albums.
Starts with a sparse covering of 1914 Pictorials, Crown Overprints and Fouad First Portrait. From Second Portrait to end of Farouk period is fairly
comprehensive. Three bar obliterations are well covered, as are airmails from 1941 to 1959. Commemoratives start in 1936 but are patchier.
Many high values are missing but very difficult to assemble such a selection today. Slight foxing affecting about half of one album
 | £380.00
065 |
Extensive study of Young King Farouk control blocks, with some blocks of six, pairs or singles. Huge range arranged numerically by value.
The 50pi has three different control blocks of four and a pair. The £1 has two different control blocks of four and a pair. These alone catalogue
at $690 in Nile Post 2003. Altogether 160 control blocks of four or six plus 22 pairs or singles. A really super collection
 | £250.00
066 |
Extensive study of Farouk Marshal (military uniform) control blocks, arranged numerically by value in a brown stock book. Also a few airmails,
Pictorials and Crown Overprints. Ten pages devoted to Young Farouk control blocks and if finishes with the first two post-revolution issues.
Some but not all top values. Altogether more than 270 blocks of four or more and 50 threes, pairs or singles
 | £300.00
067 |
A collection of commemorative control blocks in a red stock book from 1928 to 1962, mainly blocks of four in complete sets. The better sets
and expensive high values are missing but there is a wealth of pre-revolution material hard to assemble today.
124 blocks of four or larger plus 27 singles or pairs. Have a look
 | £150.00
068 |
Collection of airmail control blocks in a red stock book: 11 blocks of four from the 1933 issue, 41 of the 1941 set, 47 blocks of the
1947 issue, nine overprinted, eight three bar obliterations and four other post-revolution. Total of 120 control blocks of four
plus various singles and pairs
 | £120.00
069 |
Red Lighthouse stock book with extensive mint and used airmail stamps. Arranged chronologically by value from the first issue 1926 and
includes one Zeppelin. All pre-revolution sets are present but not all values, most in multiples. Post-revolution issues run to 1989.
Almost a thousand stamps including lots of blocks
 | £75.00
070 |
Red Lighthouse stock book with extensive mint stock of commemoratives arranged chronologically from first issue 1925 to 1970s.
Multiple sets for several of the earlier issue. Hundreds of stamps
 | £50.00
071 |
Pale green stock book with a wide mixture of issues: commemoratives, definitives, pre and post-revolution, blocks, 500m and £1 1969 mint definitives noted
 | £25.00
072 |
Dark red stock book with an untidy miscellany of Egypt definitives, commemoratives, postage dues, officials blocks and varieties of all periods. Contains good stuff
 | £25.00
073 |
Red stock book with another miscellany. Miniature sheets, definitives, commemoratives, postage dues, varieties. Worth looking
 | £25.00
074 |
Blue stock book of mint and used commemoratives in date order. A fair bit of duplication. From 1925 first set to 1970s. Seventeen examples of 1952 £1 defin noted
 | £25.00
075 |
Beige stock book with a range of mainly mint stamps. Lots of Young King and a few post-revolution. Cheap at the reserve
 | £25.00
076 |
Blue-green stock book crammed with used definitives. From 1914 Pictorials but mainly Kings’ period with lots of high values.
All arranged neatly in chronological order with multiple duplication. Also postage dues and some post-revolution
 | £25.00
077 |
Blue stock book with a diverse range including Kings, First Pictorials, officials in corner blocks of four including 1967 500m, and some post-revolution
 | £25.00
078 |
Red Acme springback album with useful range of 1953 first post-revolution pictorials in mint blocks of four to 500m and later in blocks.
Plus pre-revolution commemoratives and three bar obliterations. Cheap reserve
 | £25.00
079 |
Thick red binder with stock pages. Good post-revolution selection of mainly mint definitives with significant shade variations, lots of blocks,
miniature sheets and officials in corner blocks. The makings of a good display
 | £25.00
080 |
Red stock book with mint First Pictorials to 100m, Crown Overprints, Fouad First Portrait issue, extensive used Kings, post-revolution commemoratives to 500m
 | £25.00
081 |
Black box of Egypt commemoratives from early to 1970s. Lots of corner marginal blocks. Mint and fine used. Excellent range. Hundreds
 | £100.00
082 |
Red box of Egypt definitives. Mainly 1914 Pictorials to 1970s plus some airmails. Very comprehensive range. Hundreds, if not thousands, mint and used.
Several identified varieties noted. Careful viewing recommended
 | £100.00
083 |
Pale blue box of over 200 Egypt FDCs, from 1926 mainly until 1960s but there are some later. Nile Post 2003 catalogue value must be over $600.
Plenty of commemoratives on different types of covers
 | £75.00
084 |
White box of Egypt official stamps only. All 1972-1985 large size issue, mint and used. Thousands of stamps including lots of bundles of 100.
Plenty of scope for extensive study
 | £25.00
085 |
Green and white box of Egypt stamps on paper. Mainly 1950s-1980s. Lots of interesting postmarks. Hundreds
 | £10.00
COMPLETE SHEETS OR LARGE BLOCKS. Too big to be scanned completely |
086 |
1937 Young King 1m value in full sheet of 100, control B/42 A/42. Sheet split in two and re-joined by three stamp hinges. Part illustrated
 | £10.00
087 |
1937 Young King 2m value in full unmounted mint sheet of 100, control A/38 A/39 B/39 A/40 Part illustrated
 | £10.00
088 |
1937 Young King 5m value in full unmounted mint sheet of 100, control A/40 Part illustrated
 | £20.00
089 |
1937 Young King 20m grey-violet in sheet of 100 less strip of five from top right corner. Selvedge on four remaining sides and
control A/38 A/40 A/42 A/43. 95 unmounted mint stamps that still display well
 | £5.00
090 |
1937 Young King 30m grey-black in unmounted mint half sheet of 50 from the left half of the sheet with control A/45. Part illustrated
 | £10.00
091 |
1953/54 airmail definitive obliterated by three bars. 2m orange in full unmounted mint sheet of 50 with controls in all four corners, A/47 B/47. Part illustrated
 | £15.00
092 |
1953/54 airmail definitive obliterated by three bars. 7m orange-brown in full unmounted mint sheet of 50 with controls in all four corners, A/52. Part illustrated
 | £15.00
093 |
1953/54 airmail definitive obliterated by three bars. 8m green in sheet less the bottom right block of four. It has selvedge on the remaining four sides with
46 stamps and controls A./46 A./47. Light gum adhesion on a few stamps but still displays well. Part illustrated
 | £10.00
094 |
1947 36th Conference of the Interparliamentary Union, Cairo: 10m green in unmounted mint sheet of 50. Control A./47 in all four corners. Part illustrated
 | £10.00
095 |
1957 Millenary of Al-Azhar University. Set of three values each in full unmounted mint sheets of 50, except the 15m had split in two and rejoined by three stamp hinges.
All have overprinted controls in bottom right corner. One stamp on the 10m sheet has a small tear. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
096 |
1957 New Shepheard’s Hotel 10m in full unmounted mint sheet of 50 with control A/57. Part illustrated
 | £10.00
097 |
1958 Declaration of Human Rights set of 10m and 35m in full unmounted mint sheets of 50 with control A/58. Part illustrated
 | £15.00
098 |
1960 World Refugee Year set of 10m and 35m in full unmounted mint sheet of 50 with control A/60. Part illustrated
 | £15.00
099 |
1961 Tower of Cairo 50m airmail stamp (Nile Post A79) in full sheet of 50 with just three stamp hinge mounts. Control A/61. Part illustrated
 | £10.00
100 |
1962 Patrice Lumumba 35m in full unmounted mint sheet of 50 except for three stamp hinge mounts. Control A/62. Part illustrated
 | £5.00
101 |
1965 30th Anniversary of the Revolution 100m large-size stamp in full unmounted mint sheet of six with vertical and horizontal folds in the gutters. Part illustrated
 | £5.00
102 |
1967 Arab Solidarity for Palestine Defence 10m in full unmounted mint sheet of 35. Part illustrated
 | £10.00
103 |
1969 200m and 500m definitives showing Nasser (Nile Post D298 and D299) in full unmounted mint sheets of 14. (Nile Post 2003 cat value was $294). Part illustrated
 | £40.00
104 |
1970 30th Anniversary of Egyptian Pharmaceutical Industry 20m in unmounted mint sheet of 20. Part illustrated
 | £5.00
105 |
1977 Fourth Anniversary of Suez Crossing 140m showing Sadat in full unmounted mint sheet of 16 with gutter margins between. (Nile Post 2003 cat val $80). Part illustrated
 | £15.00
106 |
1997 5pi definitive showing Queen Ti in full unmounted mint sheet of 80 (Nile Post D366). Part illustrated
 | £5.00
107 |
Sheet folder containing a range of full sheets or large blocks comprising 1953/4 2m orange air stamp with three bars in full UM sheet of 50, 1958
Ophthalmology 10m in half sheet of 25, 1958 Arab Proclamation in corner marginal block of 10, 1958 Fifth Anniversary of Republic 10c in half sheet of 25,
1958 Qassim Amin corner block of 15, 1958 Industries in full sheet of five se-tenant strips with a few small marks on the gum,1958 Human Rights set of 10m
and 35m in full UM sheets of 50, 1960 World Refugee Year set of 10m and 35m in UM half sheets of 25 plus block of 24, 1977 Suez Crossing 140m showing Sadat in
full UM sheet of 16 with thin spot on bottom selvedge, and 2004 National Bar Association blocks of 25 different lawyers’ portraits arranged 5x5x30pt se-tenant
blocks; two such blocks in notably different shades. Total Nile Post 2003 catalogue value of well over $200. Part illustrated
 | £40.00
108 |
BOOKS. The French Post Office in Egypt Part 1 by Pierre Louis Grech 2012. A limited edition, full-colour run originally released at £40. As new
 | £10.00
109 |
BOOKS.The French Post Office in Egypt Part 2 by Pierre Louis Grech 2013. A limited edition, full-colour run originally released at £40. As new
 | £10.00
110 |
Stamps of Egypt Book 2 by L. Ballan 2007. Very useful to bring issues more up to date than Nile Post. Also Stamps of Egypt 1981 by the Philatelic Society of Egypt.
 | £2.00
111 |
1914 First Pictorials 4m and 10m imperforate marginal proofs with left selvedge attached. No watermark, lightly mounted mint
 | £10.00
112 |
1915 Provisional 2m on 3m (Nile Post D63) with extremely strong mirror reflection set off of surcharge on the gummed side. Mounted mint. Not listed in the catalogue
 | £5.00
113 |
1921-22 Second Pictorials 10m deep blue used with inverted watermark (sideways to the left when viewed from the front of the stamp). Peter Smith said they are scarce
 | £5.00
114 |
1937 Young King Farouk with Cancelled backs. Fourteen values comprising 2m, 3m, 2x4m, 6m, 10m, 13m, 15m, 20m grey-violet, 30m olive, 40m, 50m, 100m
and 200m, four of them with left selvedge attached. The 13m has a small surface thin at the bottom left corner and there are tiny edge thins on three
others. Arabic printing on reverse of the 200m. Nile Post 2003 catalogue value $506; Abdel-hadi 2010 is $995. A scarce assemblage Part illustrated
 | £300.00
115 |
1953 Farouk six-bar overprints comprising 6m Young King, 1m, 2m, 3m, 10m, 13m, 15m, 20m, 22m military uniform and 4m
overprinted military uniform with KES opt. All unmounted mint
 | £40.00
116 |
1961 4m yellow-olive showing a lantern (Nile Post D272a, cat $30) with perforations misplaced significantly upwards. Unmounted mint with normal
stamp for comparison. Only one sheet of 100 produced
 | £10.00
117 |
1969 high value definitives, 500m showing Nasser and £E1 showing Khafre, both unmounted mint with margins. (Nile Post D299 and D300, cat $55)
 | £10.00
118 |
1997 20p showing Horemheb (Nile Post D367). A substantial unmounted mint block of 41 with selvedge on three sides. All except the right-hand row
have a blurred appearance suggesting they are doubly printed; difference between the right-hand row and the rest is striking. Very unusual
 | £20.00
119 |
1926 King Fouad 58th Birthday 50p purple, good used
 | £5.00
120 |
1949 Mohamed Ali Pasha 10m brown and green imperforate with ‘Cancelled’ back in Arabic. (Nile Post C127a, cat $125)
 | £40.00
121 |
Photo-bromides of essay artwork: 20 stamp-size photos of essay artwork from 1970-71. Is this part of the production process?
Photo-bromides for some countries are valuable but these do not appear to be listed so are offered at a modest reserve
 | £30.00
122 |
1946 80th Anniversary / First Philatelic Exhibition. The first miniature sheet, perforated and imperforate versions with
single mount at top edge. (Nile Post 2003 cat $70, Abdel-Hadi 2010 $120)
 | £25.00
123 |
Six different unmounted mint pre-revolution mini sheets 1949-1952
 | £12.00
124 |
Six pre-revolution unmounted mint miniature sheets, two each of 1949 Agricultural and Industrial plus Med Games and Treaty
 | £10.00
125 |
Excellent selection of 16 unmounted mint and two used post-revolution miniature sheets. Some duplication but several of
the better ones are there, such as1958 and 1959 with two of each
 | £20.00
126 |
Selection of nine pre and post-revolution miniature sheets with mounts in the margins, low reserve
 | £5.00
127 |
1952 8m ‘King of Egypt and Sudan’ with double overprint, unmounted mint. Not listed in Nile Post but cat $200 in Abdel-hadi 2010
 | £40.00
128 |
1953/54 Portrait obliterated with three bars issue. 40m unmounted mint with inverted watermark. Cat $75 in Abdel-hadi
 | £10.00
129 |
1953 ‘King of Egypt and Sudan’ overprint with three bar obliteration. Unmounted mint vertical marginal strip of three of
the 2m with very strong, mirror reflection of the three bars set off on the back of each stamp. Not listed
 | £15.00
130 |
1953 ‘King of Egypt and Sudan’ overprint obliterated with SIX bars. Seven used stamps comprising 2x2m with bars in different
positions, 3m, 5m, 8m, 30m and 100m. The 8m has a pencil note indicating the double overprint is forged. Nile Post 2003 mint
catalogue value is $425 but they are unpriced used. Abdel-hadi 2010 prices them at $625
 | £150.00
131 |
1953 ‘King of Egypt and Sudan’ 3m with DOUBLE overprint and three bar deletion. Unmounted mint marginal example. Cat $100 in Abdel-hadi 2010
 | £25.00
132 |
1953 20m with DOUBLE ‘King of Egypt and Sudan’ overprint and three bar obliteration. Unmounted mint
 | £25.00
133 |
1953 20m with ‘King of Egypt and Sudan’ overprint INVERTED and three bar obliteration. Lightly mounted mint marginal
 | £25.00
134 |
Stock sheet with a good range of 48 officials mint and used. Cat over $200 in Nile Post 2003 and over $500 in Abdel-hadi 2010
 | £50.00
135 |
The scarcer OHEMS 15m official, mounted mint. Nile Post O29, cat $75. Abdel-hadi number 28, cat $200
 | £25.00
136 |
1962-63 4m official with inverted watermark in unmounted mint corner marginal block of four. Nile Post O73a, cat $120. Abdel-hadi cat $160
 | £25.00
137 |
Two stock sheets with range of 43 mint and used postage dues including blocks and a couple of controls. Seven are noted with boxed ‘T’ cancels
 | £5.00
138 |
Stock sheet of Express Mail stamps, 15 mint and 14 used. All basic types are present. Condition generally good but a couple are damaged. Good range of shades
 | £10.00
139 |
1926 12th Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition set of six used on four covers to Switzerland with the official exhibition cancel, not first
day. 5m, 10m and 15m on one cover. 50m, 100m and 200m on individual covers. All four have the scarce exhibition registration cachet.
Cat $74 just as used stamps in Abdel-hadi 2010
 | £10.00
140 |
1936 Anglo-Egyptian Treaty set on plain unaddressed first day cover
| £5.00
141 |
1937 Ophthalmologic Congress set used first day on cover printed for the event with excellent strikes of the Congress first day cancels and
registration cachet plus another cachet in red
 | £10.00
142 |
Interesting cover with six-bar obliterations on three stamps. A plain unaddressed envelope with 1953 Cairo Aerodrome cancels.
The stamps are 13m and 40m Farouk Marechal and the same for the 22m but with Palestine overprint as well. All three have six-bar obliterations.
There is also a 30m with three-bar obliteration. Assuming these are forged overprints, there is a low reserve. If genuine it is a valuable cover
 | £5.00
143 |
Paquebots. Seven covers or cards and four pieces with assorted PAQUEBOT and shipping cancels, plus a postcard of Port Tewfik docks
 | £15.00
144 |
Lloyd Triestino shipping company postmarks on 35 cut-out pieces with Egyptian stamps. Various vessels noted including Vienna, Helouan, Esperia and Ausonia
 | £15.00
145 |
Maritime mail. Two postcards to India with different ‘SEA POST OFFICE’ cancels
 | £10.00
146 |
Printed return envelope addressed to Germany stamped with 3x5m Crown Overprints tied by oval violet ‘Lloyds Triestino/Asia’ cancel.
A couple of thins to the surface of the envelope but clear of the stamps
 | £15.00
147 |
Four postcards with TPO cancels for Cairo-Alexandria, Port Said-Alexandria, Port-Said-Cairo and Beni Souef-Cairo.
Also a cover with slightly unclear Abu el Matamir-Damanhour on the back. Five items
 | £12.00
148 |
Official wartime OHMS cover, Orman to London 1942, stamped with two 1938 official stamps, a departmental lozenge cachet and a small ‘M’ censor mark on the reverse
 | £5.00
149 |
Official OHMS cover, Cairo to London, with three 1938 official stamps cancelled ‘Cairo Foreign Traffic 1946’
 | £5.00
150 |
Retta cancel on 1939 cover applied to uncancelled stamps and another type applied to 4th issue on a cover back with ‘Stambul’ transit mark
 | £5.00
151 |
1918 registered cover. A 5m postal stationery envelope uprated with 5m stamp, Meouadda cancel and registration mark, Cairo transit mark on back and Azhar delivery CDS on back
 | £5.00
152 |
1921 registered cover. A 5m postal stationery envelope with four stamps to uprate it, cancelled Khanka and has a Khanka registration mark
 | £5.00
153 |
1937 registered cover with Oalyub village cancel and registration mark. Served by the Egyptian State Railway Cairo-Tanta line
 | £5.00
154 |
1889 cover cancelled Cairo to Sofia, Bulgaria with Constantinople transit marks front and back, a Sofia arrival mark and embossed crest on the back. Unusual destination
 | £5.00
155 |
1901 cover and 1905 postcard from England to Mena House Hotel, Cairo with ‘Pyramids/Cairo’ arrival marks. The cover has a damaged flap and an Ismailia-Cairo TPO datestamp
 | £5.00
156 |
Printed cover to ‘Banque D’Orient, Le Caire’ stamped with two British George V definitives, tied by ‘British Post Office/Smyrne/4 Jan 1021’ cancels with Cairo backstamp
 | £5.00
157 |
Stock card of 16 proof strikes of various identified ‘Unclaimed’ and ‘Refused’ cachets
 | £5.00
158 |
Seven odd covers and cards including KLM Cairo-Amsterdam airmail, Ophthalmologic 20m on cover to France via Geneva, Hotel Morandi Cairo cachet on card, 1922
cover to Norway cancelled ‘San Stefano’, registered cover to UK with ‘Ragheb Pacha/ Alexandria R&P cancels and two more
 | £10.00
159 |
Page comprising five stamps with ‘British Barracks’ cancels, three with ‘Ismailia Camp’ and a torn 1930 cover with good strike of ‘Abbasia Barracks’ cancel
 | £5.00
160 |
1914 Active Service unstamped cover to France with dumb ‘waves’ censor mark
 | £5.00
161 |
1919 printed commercial envelope to Birmingham with 5m Pictorial cancelled Alexandria and dumb ‘waves’ censor mark
 | £5.00
162 |
1917 unstamped active service cover to ‘Wales, England’ with dumb ‘star’ censor mark
 | £5.00
163 |
First World War French patriotic postcard showing troops in trenches unstamped and used to England with ‘Army Post Office
SZ12 15 Oct [19]18’ cancel and dumb green ‘cross in circle’ censor mark
 | £5.00
164 |
1910 postcard to ‘2nd Field Company, Cairo’ from UK with 1910 ‘Military Post Office, Cairo’ receiving mark
 | £5.00
165 |
‘ON HIS MAJESTY’S SERVICE’ long envelope with ‘BASE ARMY POST OFFICE’ 1919 cancels front and back, addressed to ‘Assistant
Director of Agriculture, Bagdad Vilayet’, and with superb violet strike of boxed AERIAL POST E.E.F. on the front.
 | £5.00
166 |
WWII American Forces 1943 registered cover from Dawawin Cairo to Heliopolis Cairo via three postal services, the British Army
Postal Service, U.S. Army Postal Service and Egyptian civil postal service. Has scarce ‘New York N.Y.A.P.U.S. Army Postal Service Nr A.P.O. 616’ datestamp
 | £10.00
167 |
WWII American Forces 1944 unstamped cover from Cairo to Texas with ‘U.S. Army Postal Service A.P.O. 787’ cancel and violet
boxed ‘PASSED BY U.S. ARMY EXAMINER 22235’ censor marking.
 | £10.00
168 |
WWII American Forces 1945 cover with American stamp cancelled ‘U.S. Army Postal Service A.P.O. 787’, based in Cairo. Addressed to Texas and
redirected. It has a violet boxed ‘PASSED BY U.S. ARMY EXAMINER 22235’ censor cachet.
 | £10.00
169 |
American Forces 1947 unstamped cover with ‘U.S. Army Post Service A.P.O. 788’ cancel, used by U.S. Air Force at John Payne Airfield in
Heliopolis, addressed to the ‘Adjutant General, Washington D.C.’. This is late use on 1 March 1947. The airfield closed on 7 March 1947.
 | £10.00
170 |
Polish Forces 1947 cover to London with 1½d British stamp and ‘POCZTA POLOWA 101 10 XI 47’ cancel. Endorsed ‘O.A.S.’
 | £10.00
171 |
Polish Forces 1947 cover to London with two British stamps tied by ‘POCZTA POLOWA 101’ cancel at the 4½d rate. It is registered, with a
Polish Forces Base Post Office, Cairo registered cachet, an airmail cachet and is endorsed ‘O.A.S.’
 | £10.00
172 |
WWII Polish Forces 1943 registered cover to Tehran with British 10d and 3d stamps for the airmail and registration rate, tied by Polish Forces cancel.
There is a registered label with ‘POCZTA POLOWA 101’ cancel, an ‘examined by censor 55’ cachet, a field censor mark and an airmail cachet
 | £10.00
173 |
Polish Forces 1944(?) airletter to England with British 3d stamp tied by a Polish F.P.O. 131 cancel. It has censor cachets and is sealed by a censor label
| £10.00
174 |
Polish Forces 1946 cover to England with 22m Farouk Marechal tied by a magnificent strike of the ‘POCZTA POLOWA 115’ field post office cancel
 | £10.00
175 |
Polish Forces 1947 cover to England with British 1½d stamp tied by ’22 X 47 POCZTA POLOWA 114’ cancel (based in Dalia?). There is an airmail cachet and it is endorsed ‘O.A.S.’
 | £10.00
176 |
WWII Polish Forces 1943 cover with British 3d stamp and large ‘POCZTA POLOWA 102’ cancel, based in Cairo. Neat typed address
 | £10.00
177 |
WWII Afrika Korps 1942 unstamped cover with Feldpost cancel on nicely illustrated album page. It explains that it is an Italian airmail envelope sent by
Feldpost 04417 from a soldier in 2nd Company Panzer Jagger at Gazala, mailed two days before the Battle of Gazala on 27 May 1942
 | £10.00
178 |
WWII British Forces unstamped cover to South Africa with 20 Feb 41 F.P.O. 201 cancel. It has a large, bold, violet ‘CENSORED’ cachet that appears to be a hand-cut
provisional strike. The page is endorsed ‘RARE’ and the cover has a pencil price of £75
 | £25.00
179 |
WWII Free French Forces unstamped cover to Port Said with ‘POSTAUX ARMEES/17 JUIN 1943/F.F.L./B.P.M.5’ cancel, field censor cachet and is endorsed ‘F.M.’.
 | £10.00
180 |
Peter Andrews’ reference collection of Egyptian forgeries, mainly on album pages. It covers stamps, overprints and cancels from the first issue
onwards with striking blocks of the first postage dues, unoverprinted sheets of the first issue, a 1926 Port Fouad set and 1874 cover to France
with 5080 lozenge on 10p Boulac. Also a nice written-up assembly of forged cancels from Egyptian Post Offices abroad. If the collection was genuine
it would be worth a lot. A good tool for identifying forgeries
 | £100.00
181 |
Entire sent 1.1.1862 from Tanta with Type III, the Tanta cachet is faint but complete and with handwritten date inside. Also on the front is a red
crayon 1/ indicating prepayment. Written in Arabic, it is also addressed in Arabic, possibly to Cairo
 | £12.00
182 |
Front only of 1867 letter from Mansura struck across 1pi definitive and elsewhere on the front. Again addressed in Arabic, slightly foxed but attractive
 | £13.00
183 |
1866 entire written and addressed in Arabic from Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane Cairo struck twice in blue to Suez, similar postmark but in black.
Sadly damage to address on the front
 | £35.00
184 |
Letter written in Greek from Alexandria dated with the scarce large double circle to Athens via the French consular service.
Endorsed ‘Par les Paquebots Francais’, the letter is charged 90 (decimes) in red indicating prepayment; Athens arrival on the reverse dated 29 NOEM 1838. Very clean
 | £25.00
185 |
June 1841 entire from Alexandrie, large double circle dated 7 JUIN to Confolens, Charente, charged 18 decimes for a letter less than 7.5 grammes.
Sent via Malta where Purifie au Lazaret Malte struck on reverse with arrivals of Bordeaux and Confolens. Neat red cachet boxed Paquebots de la Mediterranée. Clean
 | £25.00
186 |
March 1842 entire from Alexandrie, large double circle with ms Col Vapore Francesi charged 18? decimes and with disinfection slits, on back is
Marseille arrival plus part only Malta Purifie. Back damaged on opening, otherwise clean
 | £20.00
187 |
Two entires from Alexandrie to Pastré Frères at Marseilles dated 1852, sent from different companies with good cachets for each, one charged 10
decimes, the other 9 decimes. Both have Marseilles receivers, one has boxed Paquebots de la Mediterranée
 | £20.00
188 |
Two entires from Alexandrie to Messrs Thos. Pate and sons at Livorno; one with ms “Par le Bateau Francais” dated Type II 6 Sept. 59 with
reddish charge rate 13 decimes. Does this imply paid? Other charged in black 10 decimes, dated 11 Nov 61 with ms “Messageries Imperiales”, the
early designation for the French Maritime company. Both have Livorno receivers on reverse
 | £30.00
189 |
Clean entire letter from Alex 18 Aug 61 cancelled Type II of the French Post to Florence franked 80 centimes Napoleon 1853 series
cancelled ‘petits chiffres’ 3704. Endorsed Voie de Marseille Par l’Anglais in manuscript and in red ‘PAQ. ANG. 1, 3 Sept 61 Marseille,’ the
receiving mark at Marseille for mail arriving by English vessels. Boxed PD indicates paid to destination
 | £55.00
190 |
As last but addressed to London and franked 40+20 centimes Napoleon cancelled 3704. Dated 29 MARS 59 Type II and with boxed PD. The Marseille
receiving mark has AMB. Marseille and dates arrival there to V Avril 59 with year slug inverted. Sent by Pastré Frères in Alexandria to their London
offices and with red London Paid ‘thimble’ datestamp. Journey via Paris and Calais is witnessed with datestamps on the reverse
 | £55.00
191 |
1844 entire from Alexandrie Type II datestamp 7 JUIL to Malta with Purifie au Lazaret Malte and disinfection slits. The letter was charged 10 decimes. Clean
 | £22.00
192 |
1845 entire from Alexandrie with Type II datestamp with brackets to Marseille, boxed red Paquebots de la Mediterranée and charged 90 decimes, sender’s
commercial cachet in blue. On reverse is two-line ?? Purifie? Lazaret Marseille cachet in black and Marseille double ring receiver
 | £24.00
193 |
1853 entire from Alexandrie with Type II date-stamp with brackets to Marseille with ms Par Bateau Francais. Posted by Sinadino with their
achet on front together with boxed red Paquebots de la Mediterranée
 | £22.00
194 |
Commercial entire written in French and posted at the Alex consular office 11 Juin 58 Type II cancellation to Marseille with boxed red
Paquebots de la Mediterranée. The ms rate at 60 appears excessive if decimes, also ms Par bateau francais.
On reverse is a wax seal and Marseille receiver, date unclear
 | £12.00
195 |
Outer letter sheet franked 2 x 40 centimes (one with corner off) cancelled grandes chiffres 5082 (Beyrouth) 22 JAN 70 to Lyon with boxed red
Paquebots de la Mediterranée and black PD (paid to destination) with two Marseille transits and Lyon receiver on reverse
 | £10.00
196 |
Entire letter from Alexandria dated 19 MAI 1868 although seemingly posted at the Italian consular post office, it is endorsed ‘Par le Bateau
Messageries Imperiales’ and was transferred to the French post where handstamped Type II without brackets and boxed Piroscafi Postali Francesi
was added. Messina arrival behind, addressed to Livorno
 | £25.00
197 |
Outer letter sheet from Alexandria to Genoa franked 40 centesimi rose of 1863 issue of Italy cancelled ‘killer’ 234 and with Italian
Consular Post cds alongside. Six days in transit, backstamped Genoa 25 MARS 1870
 | £35.00
198 |
Similar to last but to Livorno, franked 40 centesimi rose of 1863 issue cancelled 234 ‘killer’ and Italian Consular Post
cds date illegible, Livorno receiver au verso. Some foxing as seen on front
 | £30.00
199 |
Envelope from Alexandria to Pisa with blue sender’s cachet and Italian Consular Post cds 1874. Franking is by 40 centesimi rose overprinted ESTERO for use in the
Levant issued 1874 and cancelled ‘killer’ 234. Pisa arrival au verso as well as an unidentified Italian marking 5 in a circle
 | £35.00
200 |
Twenty centesimi ESTERO issue of 1874 on small piece cancelled 234 of Italian Post but with horizontal lines forming a circle rather than the lozenge of dots
used hitherto. Alongside is part Alessandria cds dated May 1
 | £5.00
201 |
Outer letter sheet from Alexandrien with blue Austrian Type 1 datestamp with sender’s cachet and FRANCO also in blue, to
Florence. Do the red crayon crossed lines indicate an early form of registration? Reverse has Firenze arrival and
waxed seal. Date seems to be 1859
 | £35.00
202 |
Outer letter sheet from Alexandrien 18.12 (Type 1) struck in blue to Trieste receiver au verso 25/12 in brown box. 15 (soldi) in blue crayon indicating
the charge and Col Vapore Diretto in manuscript. Clean and neat
 | £25.00
203 |
20 para De La Rue postal stationery card posted at Cairo to the Director of the Austrian Post at Alexandria. On reverse small Austrian receiver and Alexandrie
Arrivée transit 5 AV 84. The sender requests that his mail be readdressed
 | £25.00
204 |
Stampless entire from Imperial Ottoman Bank Alex with inside neat Bureau des Archives handstamp dated 29AUG1865 to the same bank at Constantinople. Letter
concerning official bank business was transported via the Austrian Lloyd Agency receiving the Constantinople receiver of that company. Charged 15 soldi in
blue crayon and with Alexandrien Type I struck in black.
 | £30.00
205 |
Letter from London to Alexandrie from the Sonnino correspondence dated 19 July 1851 with double arc arrival datestamp of British Consular Office at Alexandria on
July 30. Seems to have been charged 43c(entimes) and has ms ‘Paquebot francais via di Marseille’. Nice strike
 | £15.00
206 |
Early lightweight envelope endorsed Via Marseilles with ms 1/8d with contents, a long letter from Kay’s Hotel Alex dated 3 April 1852 to Westbury, Wilts.
On the reverse are double arc datestamps of Alexandria April 4 and Westbury April 14, nice juxtaposition, as well as cachet of Malta Lazaretto and a red London? arrival cds
 | £30.00
207 |
Letter 7 August 1852 to Marseille from Alexandria with double arc in black, i.e. meaning unpaid, cachet of Malta lazaretto both on the back, with sender’s cachet in grey-blue
and in red type PA-1 paquebot entry mark denoting carriage by British ship
 | £12.00
208 |
October 1852 entire to Marseille sent from G. Sinadino & Co. at Alexandria via the British PO (double arc in blue on reverse) charged 10 decimes and with
red Marseille receiver. Manuscript “Par … Anglais”
 | £12.00
209 |
Cover, 1857 sent ‘Via Marseilles’ (manuscript) to London from British Post at Alexandria with double arc of Alexandria in grey-blue on reverse (a much poorer
one on the front), London thimble transit in red, and Andover receiver. The manuscript charge appears to be 10. Some pen calculations appear on the back
 | £8.00
210 |
An entire letter similar to the above dated JA 19 1855 from Alexandria but to Leghorn with Livorno receiver on reverse, and 12 manuscript charge in red on front.
Sender’s cachet in blue and faint Marseilles transit in red also on front. Clean and neat
 | £15.00
211 |
Blue envelope franked GB 6d of the 1865 series with letters BD of plate 6 cancelled Alexandria BO1 ‘killer’ and thimble datestamp of British Consular office 9th Feb
1868 with Ballymena (N.I.) receiver on reverse dated 20th February. Neat
 | £25.00
212 |
Cover from Alexandria dated thimble 19th March 1871 franked with a pair of 4d of the 1865 series lettered KG LG plate 12 and cancelled with Alex BO1 ‘killer’.
Endorsed ‘Via Brindisi’, cover has sender’s cachet in blue on front and London arrival 25 MR 71 on reverse
 | £25.00
213 |
Almost complete envelope (top missing) franked 2 x 4d of the 1865 series, letters HM IM cancelled London W.C. X Fe 9 (1872) and 2 WC6 killers, addressed to
Alexandria with Alex British Consular thimble receiver all on the front
 | £30.00
214 |
1860 letter from the Cairo office (faint thimble cancel) via Suez (even fainter Suez thimble) to Bombay sent unfranked and with a very good strike of the Indian
postage due mark S..B over A..8 “Steamletter Bearing 8 annas” Peter says the equivalent of one shilling. There is also a faint ms 1/- and the back has a
Bombay receiver dated 25JU60
 | £25.00
215 |
Two large Hermes heads, one 40 lepta mauve on blue with minuscule margins otherwise fine, the other is 80 lepta rose, just touched on two sides, each
cancelled clear and neat 97 in a lozenge of dots for Alexandria
 | £8.00
216 |
Good quality Merton album (Prangnell Ltd.) with the balance of the Consular mail collection of 25 entires or covers, all written up with fullest information given
about each. Four Austrian pages (including two loose stamps), thirteen French almost all with stamps, and eight British, again almost all with stamps.
Should be viewed. Sample only illustrated
 | £350.00
217 |
(date?) Envelope of the Ottoman Red Cross Prisoners of War Commission with printed Franc de Port (ie, postage paid) and red handstamp endorsement
below, addressed to PoW No 416 in Ras el Tin with handwritten marking describing it as Gizeh Political Prison. On reverse a
large “Opened by / Censor / P.W. 26” label. Fine condition, most unusual
 | £32.00
218 |
1942, small buff cover opened for display, franked 3m Boy King, cancelled Cairo 24 5 42 and addressed to 44 RTR, MEF. On the face are a
manuscript “Missing believed PoW”, violet oval cachet of the Desert Purchasing Organisation / Cairo, Deputy Chief Field Censor crowned
cachet, Egyptian and British “Return to Sender” cachets, a GHQ No 1 MEF Certified Missing cachet and several manuscript endorsements.
On the reverse are Base Army Post Office and FPO 138 cancels. A significant and scarce cover
 | £35.00
219 |
19 Feb 1943, small cover carried free with US Army Postal Service APO cancel and IS Army “Passed by Army Examiner” cachet. Contents remain mentioning
aftermath of tank battles of Alamein and Tobruk. Interesting and excellent condition, Interesting contents, Dennis Clarke write-up
 | £26.00
220 |
1944 buff cover addressed to DAG (Royal Greek Army), ALS SMQ, NEF. Ismailia transit mark and deputy Chief Field Censor on face, but carried free so no adhesive.
Reverse has cancel of BAPO 4 (29 AU 44) and offset Egypt machine cancel of same day.
 | £26.00
221 |
1951, 240 mills booklet, complete with four panes of 10 mills Marechal and interleaving, stitched left, no control numbers (SG S817, NP SB16)
 | £140.00
222 |
1940, complete pane of 60 of 5m Boy King, originally intended for booklet production, control A/40 at lower left, perforated through
right (ie centre) margin. Unmounted mint, but divided horizontally at centre
 | £15.00
223 |
1953-54 plain Marechal stamps without overprint given six bars: 1m A/52 (NP D213), 3m A/44 (D215), 13m A/50 (D218, bars a cheval). All pristine MM
 | £36.00
224 |
1953-54, King of Egypt and Sudan Marechal opt stamps given six bars: 2m A/50 A/51, 4m A/51, 13m A/50, 17m A/48 A/50 A/51, 20m A/49 A/50 A/51,
200m A/48 A/50. The 4m, 17m and 20m are recognised by Magdy, but not by Nile Post. All excellent UMM
 | £65.00
225 |
Cancelled-back, 1944-51 Marechal issue: 2, 4, 5, 10, 15 mills imperf on thin card all with Arabic Cancelled. Five stamps, excellent condition
 | £30.00
226 |
Marechal 1 mill, horizontal pair, inverted watermark, (NP D155c), hinge remains, sl rust spot
 | £12.00
227 |
Marechal 100 mills single, printed on gummed side of paper, minimal hinge remains. Not recorded by NP, while Magdi 158a records only 75 copies
 | £120.00
228 |
1922 Harrison imperf essays: 15m blue and 20m green, printed on thin card, UMM (NP E233a, E235). See footnotes on NP page 33
 | £30.00
229 |
As last, 5 mills imperf horizontal par, gummed, tiny hinge indication
 | £12.00
230 |
An entire letter and outer wrapper of a second letter, both from the Austrian Consular Post at Alexandria. The entire, dated 28.2.66,
has a superb strike of the Type 1 datestamp in black and blue crayon 15 (soldi) indicating posted unpaid; on the reverse, a Trieste receiver
in blue dated 5.III.66 (six days transit). The outer is franked 15 soldi light brown of the Austrian Levant 1861 issue cancelled with Type 1
said to be 28.10.71 (not clear) and Trieste receiver on reverse
 | £80.00
231 |
Outer wrapper of a letter from Cairo to Venice franked Second Issue 1pi to pay for Cairo to Alexandria, where it was handed to the Italian post
to receive a 40 centesimi Italian stamp for Alexandria to Venice. On the front the Egyptian stamp is cancelled Cairo 20 MAG 70 with the Italian
Alessandria d’Egitto Poste Italiane next day while the Italian stamp is cancelled with the ‘killer’ 234 in a lozenge of dots. The reverse has the
Egyptian V.R. Poste Egiziane Alessandria 20 MAG 70, a Verona transit and Venezia receiver 26 MAG 70. Fragile but a rare combination
 | £450.00
232 |
1882, 5 para pale brown, two unmounted mint left-hand panes of full sheet of 240, with lower left single removed. Plate number 1, De La Rue
current number 1, watermark wide star and crescent upright, so 1882 issue (NP D32, SG 44). Good survival, cat $600 as singles. Too big for A4 scanner
 | £140.00
233 |
1884 colour change, 10 para green, two unmounted mint panes, very fragile, from full sheet of 240, with upper left single removed. Plate number 1,
DLR current number 2, wmk wide crescent and star upright (SG 52, NP D41). Some selvedge lost, strengthened behind. Too big for A4 scanner
 | £40.00
234 |
1939, 40 mills Farouk in full sheet of 100 but for two stamps removed from top right, control A/42 B/42 A/43 (SG 278, NP D149), unmounted mint. Too big for A4 scanner
 | £100.00
235 |
1957, mint unmounted sheets of 50 of all three overprinted Al Azhar Millenary issue (SG 525-27, NP C174-76). 15m divided horizontally at centre.
Original (never issued) A/42 control neatly barred out in red and replaced with new Arabic control and date on stamp face. Note pinholes for
accurate alignment in stamps 5 and 50 (not 20m). 150 stamps. Striking
 | £25.00
236 |
1957, complete mint unmounted sheets of 50 of all five Tomb of Aggressors issue (SG 532-36, NP C181-85), all with bilingual control number A/57. 250 stamps
 | £20.00
237 |
1958, Egyptian Industries, issued in a mini-sheet (5x5) of se-tenant stamps in horizontal rows (SG 565-69, NP C202-06). Pristine unmounted sheet with control A/58
 | £8.00
238 |
1963, complete mint unmounted sheets of 50 of all three of the air definitive issue (SG 7641-43, NP A 80-82, all with bilingual control number A/62. 150 stamps
 | £20.00
239 |
1976, Suez Canal Crossing, 110 mills massive stamp (SG 1297, NP C777), issued in a sheet of six single stamps. Pristine unmounted mint sheet with
printing number and date 4 X 76, cat £57. Too big for scanner
 | £8.00
240 |
2009, two unmounted mint sheets, 2009 4th Extraordinary Session of PAPU Plenipotentiary Conference in Cairo and 2009 Fifa Unde-20 World Cup.
Both sheets 16 stamps and nine commemorative labels. Part illustrated
 | £8.00
241 |
Harrison 5mills pink with Crown overprint completely offset on its reverse. Mounted mint
 | £6.00
242 |
(date?), small envelope franked 3x10m Crown opt plus 2x 15m Crown opt (milleimat) for Zurich. Marginal pink Alex Reg label alongside, but CDS illegible. Very attractive
 | £18.00
243 |
27 1 24, plain envelope (flap lost) addressed to Paris and franked with single and pair of 5m pink Crown opts. Spectacular near full CDS of Minia
 | £12.00
244 |
13 FE 24, neat cover to Athens franked for registration with vertical pair of 15m Crown Overprint (milleima), cancelled Sidi Gaber / R&P, with Registration cachet
alongside. Sealing wax behind
 | £12.00
245 |
Mar 12 1925, Baghdad-Cairo airmail cover sent registered and AR from Hamadan to Paris with 3 x 1kr blue on reverse and fine strikes of framed “AR”
and “Poste Aerienne/Bagdad-Caire” handstamp in black, via Cairo March 20. Cut down slightly at right but striking
 | £120.00
246 |
10 DE 36, neat cover from Hinaidi franked 21 fils for RAF HQ Cairo, manuscript instruction “Per Misr Airwork / Air Mail”, reverse handstamps of Baghdad and Cairo / Par Avion
 | £25.00
247 |
100 covers with Official stamps, mainly 1960 to 2000 period. Huge range of cancels and postal markings. Not illustrated, low reserve
| £30.00
248 |
1972-85 Officials issue (SG O1161-77, NP P93-102). Staggering compilation perfect for research, with literally hundreds of stamps
in full mint sheets of 100 including successive printing numbers, together with documents backed with large used blocks of this
fascinating long-lived issue: 80 mills, three sheets, 2x70 mills, 2x60m, 3x55m 3x50m, 3x30m, 9x20m, 10x10m, and an amazing 40 sheets
of the 1m. Total 75 sheets, 7,500 stamps, plus used, plus 12-page QC report on the study. Not illustrated See also Lot 61 above
| £220.00
249 |
22 I 05, sepia photocard of imposing single-storey house (anyone recognise it?) franked pair of DLR 2m for Maidstone and cancelled Cataract HCA1b
 | £5.00
250 |
15 III 08, colour card of wall carving, franked 2m DLR on face for Lyon (no message), cancelled back and front with Luxor Type HL2a (blue)
 | £5.00
251 |
1906-49, small collection of three covers and six cards, all addressed to UK with frankings cancelled with Seamen’s Home, including
elusive Type IV of 10 II 31 on OHMS cover with large oval RAF Shipping Office / Alexandria cachet
 | £55.00
252 |
A4 clean stockbook crammed with Egypt Palestine overprints, Farouk bars, Airs, UAR and Egypt issues for Egyptian Palestine (Gaza), perhaps c
omplete, masses and masses of stamps, mainly UM, excellent condition, perfect starter group. Sample illustration only
 | £100.00
253 |
25 MA 88, small cover addressed to California, franked with 2x5p definitive, 15p commem, and the full set - 2,8,10,20 and 40mills - of the
last (1965) Postage Dues. Aware that these dues were rare on cover, the late Samir Fikry sent them to his wife. Philatelic Bureau CDS, but breathtaking
 | £18.00
254 |
28 Postal Organisation / Philatelic Office Cairo printed covers, mainly sent to England. Wide range of types and postal markings to study. Sample illustrated
 | £5.00
255 |
Bundle of 50 post-Revolution covers addressed in Arabic. Wide range of stamps, cancels and markings. Sample only illustrated
 | £10.00
256 |
Accumulation of over 50 post-Revolution covers addressed to France. Lots of airmail envelopes and wide variety of commems and definitives, a few
uncancelled. Sample only illustrated
 | £10.00
257 |
Group of 22 covers of the 1950s, all to the same address in Sweden on printed enveloped from the International Statistics Agency in Alexandria.
Good range of adhesives. Sample only illustrated
 | £10.00
258 |
5 X 20, colour card (Victoria monument) written aboard SS Sergei, franked 2m DLR, addressed to London and cancelled at
Hai el Arab / Port Said. Boxed T alongside together with Port Said / D transit mark. No tax raised
 | £6.00
259 |
21 11 66, plain cover franked 35m for postage and registration from agency postmark within Cairo. Three attempts at
delivery by regulation, then returned to sender with trilingual Returned to Sender cachet
 | £5.00
260 |
10 5 81, Arabic-addressed cover franked 55m for postage and registration locally but undelivered despite three days
of attempts. Returned to send from El Sabtiya with two bilingual Non Reclame cachets
 | £5.00
261 |
1938-1948, Miscellany of seven Rural Post covers and agricultural inspection reports, various adhesives, condition mixed
 | £4.00
262 |
1889-1915 Postage Due, used, with greater part of Franca handstamp across face, along with part of cds
 | £8.00
263 |
26 IV 15, colour card (Village near Pyramids) to UK franked with 3x1m DLR Pictorials, long message in tiny handwriting
 | £5.00
264 |
2 MAY 1929, unsealed printed company envelope, franked 2m from Cairo to Port Said via Cairo machine
roller cancel. On arrival received rare Facteurs / Port Said CDS, faint but undoubted
 | £12.00
265 |
30 JA 34, small cover* with Par Avion sticker addressed to London and franked 20m+8m 1933 airmails, cancelled Port Said.
On reverse Alex transit and part-strike of Arzt advertisement: “When in Port Said… now open on the Quay Front”
 | £6.00
266 |
24 JA 39, Thos Cook Port Said printed cover addressed to Hamburg, franked 30+2m Boy King and 8m 1933 Air for
total 30 mills. Cancelled Station / Port-Said. Par Avion label, no backstamp
 | £6.00
267 |
23 MR 49, long air mail envelope franked with cutouts from the 1949 Agriculture and Industry Exhibition miniature sheet, together
with 2x10m+5m Marechal for Air Mail to US. New York registered mark behind. Vertical folds away from stamps
 | £8.00
268 |
11 JA 29, Balyana / R&P, Fuad 15m, Baliana Reg cachet, Suhag / R behind
 | £4.00
269 |
12 NO 37, Mazghuna, 10m Fuad, Mazghouna Reg cachet. Cairo / Station), Gizeh / Registration / A and Orman / RA behind
 | £4.00
270 |
5 HA 53, Kafr Kila el Bab (also Mahalla el Kobra, Santa), stamp lost
 | £3.00
271 |
26 MR 63, Manshiet Smouha, MS plus three stamps, red/black printed Reg label
 | £3.00
272 |
10 1 81, Miniyit el Murshid, pair of 70m definitive to USA
 | £4.00
273 |
5 6 81, Suhag / T / Madinet Nasser, 20m definitive local
 | £4.00
274 |
9 8 81, Shabur, 20m definitive local
 | £3.00
275 |
23 8 81, Shubra / D / el Khima, 5m definitive local
 | £3.00
276 |
23 9 93, Helmiet / el Zaitun / R&P, 5x30m definitives, registered and censored
 | £3.00
277 |
17 FE 36, small envelope with Air sticker, franked with single 100 mills 1933 Air to cover postage and registration to UK.
Alex b/w Reg label on face, Harrow Reg arrival
 | £12.00
278 |
2 JU 34, Credit Foncier printed envelope franked with 2x 15m+5m Fuad for registration to London, with large red Cairo label.
Cancelled Cairo / R, but flap lost so no arrival
 | £12.00
279 |
10 JL 34, colour card (Pyramids of Gizeh) franked 13m for Paris, cancelled Cairo / D
 | £6.00
280 |
14 NO 34, company printed envelope addressed to Germany, franked 20m, cancelled Alexandria / Dep 3, no backstamp
 | £6.00
281 |
26 DE 34, plain cover addressed to Zurich, franked 3m uprated by 1m Fuad, clearly never sealed, cancelled Alexandria / Depart, no backstamp
 | £6.00
282 |
1963-64, accumulation of four covers, all franked 35 mills for registration and postage and cancelled by postal agencies
(ie, sub-post offices) in Belqas, Matariya, Mit Ghamr and Cairo. An area rich for research
 | £8.00
283 |
Port Said – 1902-13, two covers (one with Baluchistan Infantry symbol on flap) and five cards, all franked 1d for England, with variety of
three Paquebot lozenges, early placed off the stamp, later definitely on the stamp. Interesting group. Part illustrated
 | £12.00
284 |
Mar 1901, b/w card of Ismailia to Munich with Kais. Deutsche / Marine-/Schiffspost / No 29 CDS. SS Andalusia en route from
Wilhelmshaven (dep Mar 7) to Tstingtau, China (arr Apr 30) carrying relief crews and returning relieved crews to Germany during the Boxer Rebellion. Scarce
 | £30.00
285 |
23 MY 1907, one-penny GB Registered letter stationery (stamp vignette reported damaged) from Bwlch y Cibau, Wales, tracking Colonel Sandbach
(who was returning from the East aboard SS India) in Brindisi (May 27) via London (May 24), Lecce (illegible) and on to Port Said (June 3). Good write-up included
 | £24.00
286 |
13 II 11, colour card of Camposanto, Genoa, franked GB 1d for Portland, Maine with scarce Alexandria / B alongside two lozenge Paquebot markings. Long message
 | £6.00
287 |
23 5 30, Printed business envelope from Alexandria to Liverpool with Lloyds Triestino vessel “Vienna” cancel on Fuad 25m blue. No backstamp
 | £16.00
288 |
19 JU 52, plain cover to Liverpool, franked Marechal 2+10+15, first two with King of Egypt overprints, Paquebot / Port Said CDS, and Devonshire return address. Striking
 | £6.00
289 |
20 AP 63, air envelope franked for England with 60m Air stamp and Port Taufiq / Paquebot CDS. Clean, neat, no backstamp
 | £4.00
290 |
(date?), clean cover with 10 1/2d GB Machin, addressed to USA, Paquebot / Port Said cds and several printed references to
SS Canberra Paquebot Mail. Clean and near, no backstamps
 | £4.00
291 |
11 3 91, clean cover with Dutch 75ct stamp cancelled latest Paquebot / Port Said cds and addressed to USA. References to
MV Conti Finlandia and Captain Maanstra. Cairo A PT / RCTP CDS 12/3, US marks on reverse
 | £5.00
292 |
Oct 1991, souvenir of ESC visit to Cairo 91 – Peter Andrews’ own envelopes posted from cruise ship Ra II, with local definitives
and Sitmar Travel violet handstamp: seven self-addressed covers, three mint Ra envelopes
 | £8.00
293 |
27 7 33, Lloyd Triestino cover (piroscafo Esperia) on flap from Naples to San Stefano, carried by M/N Victoria (handstamp).
Alexandria and San Stefano / Traffic CDS on arrival. Also, b/w photocard of Lloyd Triestino shipping office in central Alexandria
 | £10.00
294 |
1967, Colour card of Adriatica Line Paquebot Esperia (ex Ausonia), sent from Italy to Cairo 1957 with clear civil censor mark.
Faint Cairo receiver on face has slogan Alexandria, Pearl of the Mediterranean
 | £4.00
295 |
1927, First Camel Issue, 10pt (Feltus No 102, page 100), typographed overprint PASSPORT (purple), unmounted mint
 | £10.00
296 |
As last, 5pt (opt black), unrecorded by Feltus, unmounted mint
 | £10.00
297 |
1948, Second Camel Issue, 5pt (Feltus No 111, purple), unmounted mint
 | £10.00
298 |
As last, 20pt, unrecorded by Feltus, opt purple, unmounted mint
 | £10.00
299 |
1951 Pictorial Issue, 20pt (Feltus 125), used
 | £8.00
300 |
As last, 50pt (Feltus 126), used
 | £8.00
301 |
1920 Second Obelisk issue, no watermark, no dealer name (Feltus 282, page 34)
 | £10.00
302 |
1955 Republic of Egypt issue, Feltus 299, page 38)
 | £7.00
303 |
1960, UAR issue, Feltus 303, page 39
 | £7.00
304 |
1954 Match Tax- First Torch issue, duty paid 20 matches (Feltus 371, page 43)
 | £7.00
305 |
1924 Motor Mail – the Overland Desert Mail label unmounted mint in block of 12 (Feltus page 198)
 | £10.00
306 |
1955/56, large (24.5x35cm) uncut paper with Royal crest intended as passport pages reused as an archive form for employees of the
Survey Department printing office in Cairo
 | £15.00
307 |
1985, two modern covers franked with revenue stamps instead of definitives and accepted for postage: 30 mills Health Insurance and 250 mills of the Education Syndicate
 | £10.00
308 |
El Gisr
 | £7.00
309 |
Kilometro 83
 | £7.00
310 |
Chaluf el Taraba
 | £7.00
311 |
 | £7.00
312 |
25 OC 93, De La Rue 2 mills wrapper sent from Shepheard’s Hotel to Germany, with striking handstamp of
Ph. Zech / Shepheard’s Hotel / Cairo in violet on reverse with Laufen arrival cds
 | £20.00
313 |
1894, De La Rue 2mills postal stationery wrapper uprated with 3+5 mills DLR adhesives, addressed to Switzerland
and cancelled at Pyramids / Mena House. Unusual franking for such a wrapper
 | £48.00
314 |
1908, elegant black and white postcard showing Pension Antoine, Helouan
 | £10.00
315 |
1908, black and white card showing the Pension Sphinx, Helouan, franked 2m DR for France
 | £15.00
316 |
1909 cover from Hilwan to Vienna, franked with 2x5m DLR stamps and provided with Pension Antonio et Hotel / Helouan private circular cachet in blue
 | £20.00
317 |
DLR 3 mills postal stationery card sent from Hilwan to Ibrahimia / Ramleh provided with Hotel Pension Antonio’s private oval cachet in violet 20 Mai 1924. Message in Greek
 | £18.00
318 |
25 MR 40, Postal parcel receipt Form P.No.2, with good cancel of Cicurel / Asyut Branch
 | £10.00
319 |
1929 first flight Air Mil between Egypt and Greece by Imperial Airways (157 items flown), December 5th, Cairo to Athens, arriving December 7.
Franked with 27 mills Air Mail stamp and two different Air Mail labels
 | £20.00
320 |
1882, 20pa De La Rue postal stationery card sent from Alexandria to Dresden, Alex duplex cancel with month indicator DEC clearly inverted. Neat and clean
 | £20.00
321 |
1891, De La Rue provisional stationary card (4mills on 5) with beautiful strikes of Alexandria / Ras el Tin / star and crescent CDS of 8 MR 91.
Addressed to Halle in Germany but redirected to Kleinfurra
 | £20.00
322 |
1917, Official used entire (typed letter) sent from Aswan Dam to Ministry of Public Works to acknowledge receipt of a book. Bilingual Aswan Dam
official oval, Aswan Reservoir CDS, and sealed with white on black Egyptian Government label
 | £8.00
323 |
1926 De La Rue postal stationery Registered envelope uprated with Fuad 5mills adhesive and sent from Zifta / R to Alexandria with
Registration cachet alongside. Arrival mark next day behind
 | £15.00
324 |
1934, Found Open and Resealed label (Type 8) closing an Express registered cover sent from Cairo to Zamalek
 | £8.00
325 |
1956-58, Farouk 25 mills Air Letter sheet (!949, Nile Post SACS 4), reused as a postal form. Vast quantities of air letters were found in the postal
headquarters after the fall of Farouk; the Post Office cut out his portrait and the paper was reused, in this case for a complaint to
Cairo from the /Abu Qurqas post office
 | £20.00
326 |
1991, 100th anniversary of Giza Zoological Garden. Folded map of the zoo with 50p souvenir sheet attached by first-day of issue cancel
 | £10.00
327 |
2 10 15, On Active Service postcard (Groupe de Bicharines) sent from Hilwan to London with striking violet Grand Hotel / Convalescent Hospital / Helouan cachet
 | £20.00
328 |
1 XI 15, colour card (Village of /Gizeh), sent OAS from Hilwan to Liverpool with message from injured soldier to his mother.
Large oval Grand Hotel Helouan cachet indicates where he is convalescing
 | £20.00
329 |
4 I 16, Comforts for Troops printed card signed from Mena Camp but posted in Hilwan for Nottingham, with Grand Hotel / Convalescent Hospital / Helouan cachet, faint but undoubted
 | £20.00
330 |
1930, original black and white printed photo-postcard showing the American Mission Hospital in Asyut, mint
 | £6.00
331 |
1908, used black and white photo-postcard of Cook’s tourist steamer Arabia approaching Aswan to tie up outside the Savoy Hotel. Stamp unfortunately removed from reverse
 | £5.00
332 |
1924, postcard of Lloyd Triestino steamer Vienna, with message written on board, posted from Lecce to Heliopolis franked with Italian perfin stamp LT on 60 centimes stamp
 | £8.00
333 |
Misr Navigation Company – a company-printed cover sent form Alexandria to Geneva franked by Fuad 13m and Boy King 20m and cancelled on board with scarce shipping line cds
Misr Steamship and Navigation Co / S/S El Nil 24 Oct 1938. Geneva arrival on reverse
 | £18.00
334 |
Large group of 13 receipts, all with Post Office handstamps – Bulletin de Depot;. – Deposit Declaration; Declaration de Versement, Telegraph,
Avis de Reception, from a good range of towns – Aba el Waqf, Cheblanga, Abou Hommos, Biba, Mit Aly, Etlidem, Samalut, Abu Qurqas, Kina etc. Interesting lot. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
335 |
1888 to 1953, group of seven covers, including one with No-Value official stamp, showing different forms of official status, from Khedivial
via OHHS, OHEMS, different Arabic wording etc, with coloured official registration labels Part illustrated
 | £15.00
336 |
1939 Air Mail cover from Port Said to Basel multi-franked with ten 1-millieme Fuad stamps plus a 5mill, and then a 10mills Fouad booklet stamp.
Most unusual to find this stamp used on cover
 | £30.00
337 |
1922-1945, Group of four covers and two certificates all showing various stamps from booklets – Harrison Pictorials, Fuad and Farouk – two complete ;panes
vigorously pen-cancelled. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
338 |
1929 cover from Shabrakhit to Abdin in Cairo cancelled with unusual TPO reading Ashghaal saayrah / Shabrakhit-Itai el Barud unrecorded by Smith. Very faint but no doubt
 | £15.00
339 |
1930 cover from Fuwa to Desuq cancelled with unusual Ashghaal tawafa / Disuq Qabrit CDS
 | £20.00
340 |
1942 Truly tatty cover sent from Dahriya to Cairo franked 6m ?Boy King, transit marks on reverse are Taufiqia / Beheira and most T.P.O. 5 / Alexandria-Cairo
 | £20.00
341 |
Jumbo lot of 15 covers and cards all cancelled with TPO and Rural Service handstamps, 1906-1958. Interesting rail lines, some unrecorded in Smith book. Part illustrated
 | £35.00
342 |
1930-53, six covers, all with Rural Service/Service Rural cancellations and range of village station cartouches. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
343 |
1983, three incoming covers from Jordan, all taxed on arrival with revenue stamps and definitives instead of postage dues. Interesting
 | £10.00
344 |
1938/43, two printed covers of Ottoman Bank Cairo branch, both franked with perfinned “O.B” versions of Boy King 10 and 20 mills respectively
 | £25.00
345 |
1938, printed window envelope of Socony-Vacuum Oil Co used en ville (Cairo), unsealed, so franked with Fuad Postes 2 mills stamp perfinned with company’s “VOCO” punctures
 | £12.00
346 |
1938, as last, but envelope sealed so franked with perfinned 5mills Fuad Postes
 | £12.00
347 |
1938, as last two, but again unsealed, franked with Boy King 2 mills with VOCO perfin
 | £12.00
348 |
1955 death certificate issued by Hellenic community in Alexandria, written in Greek, tax paid by 10 mills General Revenue and unusual 20 drachma tax stamp of the Hellenic Community
 | £18.00
349 |
1955 ID card belonging to an Italian citizen Aldo Ventura issued in Attarin, Alexandria, tax paid by10mills General Revenue and
unusual 100 mills ID card Revenue (Feltus No 501, page 57)
 | £25.00
350 |
1964 Survey Department-printed propaganda label for Egyptian Cotton, full mint sheet of 100 with control A/47 (Feltus illustrates, page 199). Part illustrated
 | £25.00
351 |
June 3 1969, certificate issued in Athens, where approved by UAR consulate, provided with surprisingly large number of 10 mills Long Eagle Issue consular
service issue (eight strips of five, Feltus No 447, page 50) plus three Greek revenues
 | £38.00
352 |
1987-2007, Egyptian Medical Syndicate. Four full revenue sheets, all mint NH with full selvage and printing details, 5pt, 25pt, and two £E1 values
 | £18.00
353 |
Mini collection of 13 cassette envelopes, nine mint, one printing trial and three cancelled after going out of use. Two of those further used by
Post Office, third is mint but cancelled
 | £30.00
354 |
Two unmounted mint blocks of four – 1932 Christmas Seal, 3 mills deep blue (SG A5) and 1934 3 mills vermilion (SG A6)
 | £20.00
355 |
1962 motor service receipt from Shell Oil Co in Egypt, tax paid by 10 mills General Revenue perfinned with distinctive Shell company perfin
 | £10.00
356 |
May 1912, Large printed timetable (60x44cm) and map showing the Chemins de Fer de la Basse Egypt routes in the Eastern Delta – Mansoura, Dekernes, Matarieh,
Lake Manzaleh and connecting lines. Staggering survival, too big for scanner, so part illustrated
 | £40.00
357 |
1932, Railways map in colour covering all of Lower Egypt (Cairo northwards) and the Fayoum. Clean and neat, too big to scan so part illustrated
 | £30.00
358 |
April 30 1907, A4 letter (in English) from the Egyptian Army War Office, signed by Reginald Wingate, Sirdar, to the Minister of Education
seeking a position for an Egyptian officer or warrant officer. File hold but clean and neat
 | £40.00
359 |
November 9 1909, typed letter 18x22cm (in French) from Antiquities Service HQ to Minister of Public Works, signed by Gaston Maspero,
French archaeologist who was director general of excavations and antiquities for the Egyptian government
 | £30.00
360 |
1885, small letter (20.5x15cm) handwritten in Arabic, signed by Maspero (see above)
 | £40.00
361 |
July 19 1908, foolscap letter (typed in English) from Egyptian Army War Office to Ministry of Public Works said to be signed by
Lord Kitchener in a position as Bimbashi and deputy assistant adjutant general of the Egyptian Army. Part illustrated
 | £60.00
362 |
1896, foolscap letter handwritten in Arabic from the Antiquities Service, signed by Jacques de Morgan, director of
antiquities in the 19th century, who worked at Naqada and Dahshur. Part illustrated
 | £40.00
363 |
1895, Antiquities Service foolscap letter handwritten in French sent from Giza Palace to Minister for Public Works and signed be De Morgan (see last). Part illustrated
 | £40.00
364 |
1892, Short letter from Antiquities Service in Giza, handwritten in French, signed by De Morgan (see above) and multiply redirected
 | £30.00
365 |
April 25 1917, Certificate from the Acting Director General, Antiquities Department, signed, among others, by Georges Daressy, the French
gyptologist who supervised the Egyptian Museum’s move from Bulaq to Giza in 1891
 | £20.00
366 |
October 24 1918, Antiquities Service letter typed in French, concerning repairs in the Egyptian Museum, signature illegible, but folded letter
passed through post sealed by Egyptian Government black on white labels with no sign of stamps
 | £20.00
367 |
1997, 25p Official with no watermark and major perf shift, 1cm upwards, VF mint. Vertical upper marginal pair with no value on upper stamp,
lower stamp has value at the top of the stamp instead of the bottom
 | £15.00
368 |
As last, but lower marginal vertical pair with extra value in sheet margin. VF mint
 | £15.00
369 |
2014, Euromed £E4 stamp with multiple vertical colour shifts (red, violet, turquoise) creating double images in logo, map and inscription.
VF mint NH right marginal single with normal for comparison
 | £15.00
370 |
As last, but left marginal single with normal for comparison, VF mint NH
 | £15.00
371 |
2015, Arab Summit £E3 with major horizontal perf shift, downward by 1cm, VF mint NH. Lower marginal vertical pair with lower stamp
lacking “Egypt” and “misr” and upper stamp with country title at bottom instead of top. Only single sheet known
 | £18.00
372 |
As last, but upper marginal vertical pair with extra “Egypt” and “misr” on sheet margin. VF mint NH
 | £18.00
373 |
2013, 61st Anniversary of July 23 Revolution with double printing of red and black inscriptions. VF mint NH single with normal for comparison
 | £12.00
374 |
2013, Rameses II £E3 definitive stamp (violet background) with background colour partly omitted. VF mint NH full strip of ten with margins
(second row of pane of 50), fascinating. SG 2587 cat £7.75 for normal stamp, which is added for comparison
 | £150.00
375 |
2014, withdrawn se-tenant strip of three for the New Suez Canal with middle stamp showing Panama Canal in error.
Only 4080 sets sold according to ESC article, so very rare. VF mint NH
 | £40.00
376 |
1898, 2m green with another bisected for full 3m postage, on piece showing cancellation date Alexandria 2 V 98.
SG D 71a (cat £500 on cover, SG North-Est Africa cat 2nd edition 2017)
 | £200.00
377 |
1997, SG 487, £S8 definitive surcharged 35 dinars but with double surcharge. SG 569a VF mint NH left marginal single with normal for comparison,
SG cat £15 for normal stamp, error unpriced
 | £15.00
378 |
2003, SG 479, 125p definitive surcharged 100 dinars in Arabic both in black and red (rare), SG 619 and 619a, VF mint NH singles, SG cat for both £115
 | £38.00
379 |
2005, “Merowe Dam project, safe Archaeology”, 400 dinar value with value error 300d for 400d. VF mint NH left lower corner block of
four containing the error stamp, fascinating. SG 664fa, cat £236 for the whole block
 | £100.00
380 |
2008, SG 487 £S8 definitive surcharged 2 SDG in red single and right lower corner single with surcharge inverted, VF mint NH, SG 683 and 683b, cat £65 for both stamps
 | £30.00
381 |
1986, 1962 unwatermarked 20p definitive surcharged £S5 in Arabic in black. VF mint NH irregular block with stamp in posn 15 having inverted surcharge.
SG 410b, Michael cat €2750 for 11 normal stamps
 | £200.00
382 |
1986, 1962 unwatermarked 20p definitive surcharged £S10 in Arabic in black. VF mint NH irregular block of 16 stamps with surcharge inverted
on all stamps except posn 33 which has no surcharge at all. SG 410d, with right, left and lower margins
 | £250.00
383 |
ALEXANDRIE French Maritime Cachet d'Escale. 26 April 1867. Cover to Lyon posted at the docks and receiving the octagonal postmark for
Paquebot Français Ligne V, No.3 (Salles 888) from the postal agent on board paquebot SAID to Marseilles. 40c Napoleon stamp cancelled
by the ship's anchor lozenge. Backstamps: "Lyon à Marseille" TPO, 2 May and Lyon arrival 3 May. Black PD and green oval sender's cachet.
The stopover postmarks of Ligne V (Ligne d'Egypte) are very scarce. (€ 300 +). See Salles Vol. 2, p. 229 & Grech "French P.O.s in Egypt" Vol.1, p. 141. Rare item
 | £45.00
384 |
Port-Saïd - 12 August 1903. Postcard to France (Arab women) franked 5c Type Blanc, yellow green, of French P.O., cancelled by small
Type 84 CDS. UPU rate for postcards with fewer than 5 words. Precedes UPU use of "Imprimés" annotation on such cards. Dunkirk arrival 20/8
 | £3.00
385 |
Postcard: Alexandrie 5c Type Blanc, redrawn design of 1902, cancelled by French P.O. CDS 24 March 1904, on Alexandria postcard to France
(Arab cemetery & Pompée column). This is the scarcer yellow-green shade of the 5c since the blue-green 5c was issued only in 1905.
Very fine condition and excellent strike of the postmark, also repeated on the back. Printed matter rate
 | £4.00
386 |
Alexandrie 1921 Local Overprints; 6 Mill. on 15c orange Mouchon. Mint very lightly mounted (almost invisible). Very fresh. SG 42/ Ceres 40. Cat. € 10
 | £2.00
387 |
British Barracks, Abbassia cancelling 5 mill King Fouad, on Cairo postcard, 12 April 1928, with " 1 D" to pay.
One penny red Postage Due (1914) applied on arrival in the UK
 | £3.00
388 |
ZEHERI "Catalogue of Stamps of Egypt and the Sudan"- 1972 edn in English. The Original classic volume which first detailed all the stamps of
Egypt & the Sudan. Published by the Philatelic Society of Egypt. 396pp B/W, 240 x 170mm, in soft cover. This copy belonged to Jean Boulad d'Humières,
sent to him in Switzerland, and has a compliments slip stuck inside from Mehanny Eid, author of the catalogue and President of the PSE.
Also included in this lot is the letter on PSE headed paper, from Mr Eid to JBH announcing the arrival of this presentation copy, signed by him.
The book is in fine condition, with occasional pencil annotations by JBH updating some details. A historical item which passed through the hands of eminent philatelists
 | £10.00
389 |
King Fouad - "EGYPT, The First Portrait Issue,- A Compilation Since 1928", by John Sears. Published by the author. 1997.
A4, 127pp, soft cover. Gathers all the information on this subject from the ESC records, illustrating types, varieties, reprinting early articles. Very fine
 | £10.00
390 |
"Armies of Islam, 7th-11th Centuries", by David Nicolle. Illustrated by Angus McBride. Osprey Publishing, #125 Men-at-Arms Series.
250 x 185 mm. 40 pages in soft cover. With 8 colour plates showing various armies (Umayyad, Persian, Abbasid, Samanid, Fatimid, Andalusian, etc.)
and with numerous B/W photographs
 | £6.00
391 | "OMDURMAN" - By Philip Ziegler. Published by Collins, London, 1973. Hardback, 240 pages, 156 x 235 mm.
With 38 b/w illustrations and 10 colour plates (uniforms, paintings of the battle, etc) and 6 maps.
Some wear on the dust-jacket but contents in excellent condition. A stirring account of the reconquest of the Sudan and of that famous battle.
Scarce. Essential reading in view of the ESC's potential closer connections with the Sudan Study Circle
 | £6.00
392 |
"The French Post Offices in Egypt" by P.L.Grech. Part 2, "1876-1931" (2013). Published by the author. A4 format, 177 pages, soft covers.
Illustrated in full colour with rare letters, stamps, maps, postmarks, rates, paintings and documents. Covers the postal history of the period and full
details of all Alexandrie & Port-Said stamps 1899-1931
 | £35.00
393 |
"NOTE HISTORIQUE sur les timbres-poste en Egypte".Booklet in French with red fake-leather hard-cover, 60pp, 145 x 200mm,
published 1946 by the Egyptian Postal Administration on the 80th anniversary of the first Egyptian stamp. Illustrated in B/W.
Lists all Director Generals of the Post and all stamp issues 1866-1946 (including quantities printed) as well as the First Philatelic Exhibition in Cairo in 1946
 | £4.00
394 |
David Roberts postcards. Eight colour cards illustrating views of the Holy Land from Roberts' travels in Egypt and the Levant in 1839:
Acre, Mount Tabor, Eilat, Jericho, Nazareth, Hebron, Haifa, St. Jean d'Acre. Mint unused
 | £4.00